Announcement of the Implementation of a New Code of Conduct

Tahir Sidiq Gujri
Manager, Project Policy & Oversight, India

The Court Cast Project is committed to fostering an environment of integrity, respect, and accountability. With a view to streamline our organizational values and ethical practices across all our locations, I am pleased to announce that the Court Cast Project is developing a comprehensive Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct is being meticulously designed to reflect our shared values, and ensure that our community operates under a common set of ethical standards.

The new Code of Conduct shall come into effect immediately upon publication and shall be applicable across the board, without exception, at all locations, working groups, and levels of the organization.

It is imperative to take note of the following key points:

  1. Supersession of Existing Policies: On implementation of the new Code of Conduct, all existing policies regarding conduct will be deemed to be withdrawn and superseded by this Code.
  2. Mandatory Compliance: Compliance with the Code of Conduct is mandatory for all members, affiliates, and anyone acting on behalf of The Court Cast Project.
  3. Training and Awareness: There will be an array of training sessions, workshops, and awareness programs conducted to acquaint you with the tenets of the Code of Conduct. It is obligatory for everyone to participate in these.
  4. Reporting and Accountability: The Code will embody transparent mechanisms for reporting and redressal, ensuring accountability for actions and decisions that are in contravention of this Code.
  5. Periodic Review: The Code of Conduct will be subject to periodic review to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness.

Your cooperation, commitment, and adherence to the Code of Conduct are vital to the success of this initiative. The Code is an embodiment of what we stand for as an organization and reinforces our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of conduct.

Details regarding the Code of Conduct and its provisions will be communicated in due course. You are encouraged to reach out to your supervisors or the Human Resources Department for any clarifications or queries you may have.

Together, let us take this step towards a more ethical and cohesive working environment. Your support in upholding the values and principles laid out in the Code of Conduct is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

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