Biden Nominates Judge’s Daughter to Join Same Court: A Family Legacy in the Judiciary

President Joe Biden recently put forward four judicial nominees, including the daughter of a current U.S. appellate judge who intends to retire if his daughter is confirmed to the same court. This move marks another significant step in Biden’s judicial appointments, as he surpasses his predecessor, Donald Trump, in the number of confirmed judges at this point in his presidency.

Among the nominees are Julia Lipez, a Maine state court judge, nominated for the Boston-based 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and Tennessee lawyer Karla Campbell, nominated for the Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Both nominees have strong familial and professional connections to judges already serving on these courts.

Julia Lipez is the daughter of Senior U.S. Circuit Judge Kermit Lipez, who has served on the 1st Circuit since his appointment by President Bill Clinton in 1998. The elder Lipez has announced plans to fully retire if his daughter is confirmed, ensuring compliance with federal statutes prohibiting close relatives from serving concurrently on the same court.

Karla Campbell, a labor lawyer from Nashville, is a former clerk to U.S. Circuit Judge Jane Branstetter Stranch. Judge Stranch has decided to step down from active service, contingent upon Campbell’s confirmation. Campbell’s nomination has faced opposition from Tennessee’s Republican senators, who claim the White House did not adequately consult them.

In response to these objections, White House spokesperson Andrew Bates emphasized that consultation does not equate to a veto, highlighting that the administration has considered multiple suggestions from the senators.

In addition to Lipez and Campbell, Biden nominated two public defenders for district court positions: Catherine Henry for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and Mary Kay Lanthier for Vermont.

Biden’s judicial appointments, including these latest nominations, continue to shape the federal judiciary with a mix of experienced and diverse candidates, reinforcing his administration’s commitment to a balanced and representative judicial system.

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