India Engages with Family of Accused in Alleged Sikh Murder Plot in US

New Delhi has initiated contact with the family of Nikhil Gupta, the Indian man facing charges in the United States over an alleged conspiracy to assassinate Sikh separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannun. Gupta, recently extradited from Prague to face trial in Manhattan, pleaded not guilty to charges of murder-for-hire.

The Indian Foreign Ministry responded to a Reuters report, confirming its communication with Gupta’s family amid their quest for justice. While asserting no formal request for consular access from Gupta himself has been received, ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal emphasized ongoing discussions with the family.

The United States has accused Gupta of conspiring with an Indian official in a thwarted attempt on Pannun’s life, prompting diplomatic warnings from Washington to New Delhi regarding potential governmental implications.

India, while designating Pannun as an “individual terrorist,” has distanced itself from the alleged plot, citing contravention of official policy. Pannun advocates for a separate Sikh state within India’s north.

A source close to Gupta’s family, speaking anonymously due to the case’s sensitive nature, disclosed challenges in establishing direct contact with Gupta post-extradition. The source portrayed Gupta as a patriot and emphasized the family’s belief in his eventual vindication, despite the gravity of the accusations leveled against him.

As the legal proceedings unfold in the U.S., India navigates the complex diplomatic terrain surrounding the case, balancing concerns of its citizens’ welfare with international obligations.

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