J&K High Court Rules Against Lawyer’s Fee Claim

The High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh at Jammu, in a recent order dated March 28, 2024, addressed a significant issue concerning the professional conduct of lawyers handling compensation claims. The bench, presided over by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Sanjay Dhar, dealt with a writ petition seeking the release of compensation awarded by the Lok Adalat to the petitioner, which had been unduly withheld due to a dispute over legal fees.

The petition highlighted a scenario where the claimant’s legal counsel demanded a portion of the compensation as a professional fee, leading to a deadlock that prevented the release of the awarded sum by the Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal, Kathua. Justice Dhar unequivocally stated that such demands by a counsel constitute professional misconduct, emphasizing that the legal profession should not indulge in practices that detract from the dignity and integrity expected of its members.

The court’s order mandates the Tribunal to release the compensation amount of Rs. 13,50,000/- to the rightful claimant, disregarding the dispute over counsel fees. This decision underscores the judiciary’s stance on ensuring that the interests of justice and claimants are not compromised by internal disputes between a lawyer and their client.

This ruling is pivotal for its reinforcement of the principle that legal practitioners cannot claim a share of the litigation’s fruits as their fee, setting a precedent that underscores the ethical obligations lawyers owe to their clients and the justice system.

Case Title Name of Judge Name of Lawyer(s) Date of Order
Munni v. Presiding Officer Motor Accident Claim Tribunal Kathua SANJAY DHAR, JUDGE Mr. Gagan Oswal, Advocate 28.03.2024

Key Legal Points Findings
Professional Misconduct Counsel demanding a share of compensation as fee constitutes professional misconduct.
Release of Compensation Tribunal directed to release the compensation amount irrespective of disputes over legal fees.
Integrity of Legal Profession Legal practitioners are expected to maintain the dignity and integrity of their profession and should not engage in practices detrimental to their clients’ interests.

Date Event
09.09.2023 Lok Adalat awarded compensation to the petitioner.
28.03.2024 High Court orders the release of compensation to the petitioner, citing misconduct by the petitioner’s lawyer.

This judgment serves as a crucial reminder of the ethical standards expected within the legal community, especially regarding the handling of client funds and the transparent, fair conduct of legal representation.

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