Supreme Court Rebukes Jharkhand High Court Over District Judges’ Selection Criteria

In a recent legal showdown, the highest judicial authority of the land, the Supreme Court, voiced its disapproval towards the Jharkhand High Court’s unilateral decision to modify the selection criteria for District Judiciary Judges midway through the process. Justices Aniruddha Bose and Sanjay Kumar presided over the bench, delivering a stern directive to rectify the course of action.

The essence of the Supreme Court’s admonishment lies in its stance against arbitrary alterations to established protocols once individual candidate performances have been duly evaluated. Such ad hoc adjustments, the Court deemed, undermine the integrity of the selection process and potentially compromise the merit-based nature of judicial appointments.

With unwavering authority, the bench underscored the imperative for adherence to procedural fairness and consistency in judicial appointments, emphasizing the sanctity of established criteria in upholding the principles of justice and meritocracy.

In light of these principles, the Supreme Court exercised its prerogative to intervene, mandating the Jharkhand High Court to proceed with the appointment of seven candidates based on the criteria that were originally set forth, thereby restoring the integrity and fairness of the selection process.

This legal precedent serves as a reminder of the judiciary’s pivotal role in safeguarding the principles of fairness, transparency, and adherence to due process, ensuring that the trust of the public in the justice system remains unwavering.

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